Providing Serious Employee Training Against the Threat of Cybercriminals!
Cyber criminals have become more relentless and sophisticated in penetrating the information systems of healthcare and human services institutions to steal patients and the information of individuals with disabilities (ID) for nefarious activities of their interest.

“Cybersecurity is the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access” (, 2016). Cyber threat poses dominant risk to healthcare organizations and affiliate agencies for their heavy reliance on technology for “disease prevention, emergency response, patient care improvement” as well as data and privacy protection. This has inspired the need for industry leaders to establish robust cybersecurity structures to protect their information systems and ensure the confidentiality, availability, integrity and privacy of patient and client data.
Significantly, “phishing emails are opened by 31% of users, while 12% of total users actually end up clicking the link…[and] the average open/click rate of emails across all industries is 24% and 3%, respectively” (Cucu, 2017). This high propensity of employee vulnerability calls for firmer access controls on external private computer and other device access to corporate system environments.
Strategically, more hands-on employee training for proactive skills on cyberthreat identification and dynamics has become critical for industry leaders' attention than ever before.
Reference (2016). Healthcare Organization and Hospital Discussion Guide for Cybersecurity. Retrieved on November 20, 2021, from
Cucu, P. (2017) How 4 Types of Cyber Threats Break Your Online Security [INFOGRAPHIC]. Retrieved on November 21, 2021, from